- Orientation and rotation detection in SwiftUI for iOS... cough... with UIKit
I needed to know the rotation direction of the device when it switched between orientations, so I could rotate a 2d array. I wanted it to feel modern and easy to use with SwiftUI, here is my attempt...
- Show A List Of Bluetooth Devices Using SwiftUI
A long time ago I wrote a post about discovering BLE peripherals and displaying them in list form. That was way before SwiftUI though so I thought I'd revisit the idea, remaking the feature in the quickest and low complexity way possible to get started quickly...
- Fully Tappable Rows In SwiftUI Lists And My Journey To Them
In my new app BLE Discover, I set out to build a settings page with a fairly basic list of items, which when tapped present a new view modally. Seems easy enough right? Just add a tap gesture to each view in the list...
- Implementing Alternative App Icons In SwiftUI
For one of my personal apps, I wanted to do something fun and add alternate app icons. Well, it was really to try and decide which icon I liked best but anyways… turns out it's relatively easy to implement...
- Bullet Point List - UIKit
Bullet points in iOS apps always seem to cause more of an issue than I'd think possible, often not indenting correctly at the right places. Using NSParagraphStyle and NSAttributedString we can get what we'd expect, with little effort...
- Get List Of BLE Devices Using CoreBluetooth
This post will show the minimum effort needed to get a list of BLE (Bluetooth 4.0) devices that are advertising on your iOS device...
- Blurring a UIView With Animation - (Archive)
I needed to animate a blur over an image recently so I thought I would share how simple the effect can be achieved. You will need to be building with iOS 8 or above...
- Easy Expanding/Collapsing TableViewCells
I noticed when using an app the other day that its UITableViewCells were increasing in size when touched, with the height increase also animated. I thought this would be quite difficult to achieve but after digging around it turns out that its quite simple...
- Sorting Arrays - Objective C
Using arrays is a staple of iOS development and there many tools at our disposal to do all manor of things with them. Below are some that I use often and find quite useful...
- IBInspectable and IBDesignable - Swift
When making views in Xcode Storyboards it can be frustrating not being able to see any work you have done using code or not being able to change run time attributes like corner radiuses. Fortunately, Xcode has some added some features to storyboards that permit real time run time attribute editing...
- Raspberry Pi Temperature Sensor Web Server - Part 4 (iOS Swift App)
Finishing the project up by building the iOS app to read the temperature data from the already built web server...
- Raspberry Pi Temperature Sensor Web Server - Part 3 (Scheduling temperature readings and PHP script)
Making a cron job to schedule temperature readings and storing them using php...
- Centre UICollectionView Cells Horizontally iOS
I needed to make cells appear from the centre of a collection view for a work project recently. Heres how I did it...
- Send/Recieve Hex Over Bluetooth SPP from Android
If you have used any of my earlier blog posts for sending data to a bluetooth module from an Android device you may have noticed you can only send ASCII characters. This is fine for most activities but what if you need to send carriage return or line feed, which are 0xD and 0xA respectively...
- Raspberry Pi Temperature Sensor Web Server - Part 2 (Setting up and writing to a MySQL Database)
Setting up the MySQL database to store the temperature data...
- Raspberry Pi Temperature Sensor Web Server - Part 1 (Intro, sensor setup and Python script)
Using a Raspberry Pi to monitor and store temperature data into a web server, which can be accessed with an app...
- RFduino & iOS - Sending large strings
With a limitation of 20 bytes per transaction, how can we send even just large strings to the RFduino...
- RFDuino Beginnings
Documenting my journey of using the RFDuino...
- UART with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) using Dorji DBM01
Using some low cost BLE UART modules to do some simple communicating between a phone and device...
- Android Send/Receive data with Arduino using Bluetooth - Part 2
In part 2 I will explore making the Android app to send and receive data to an Arduino over Bluetooth...
- Anrdroid Send/Receive Data With Arduino Via Bluetooth - Part 1
In some previous posts I went through the basic steps to send data from an Android device to an Arduino using a bluetooth serial module. That was fun and all but it would be better if the Arduino could send data back to the Android device...
- Android to Arduino Data Send via Bluetooth Serial – Part 3
Finishing up the Android app and testing what we have built...
- Android to Arduino Data Send via Bluetooth Serial – Part 2
Making part of the Android app to connect with the Bluetooth module...
- Android to Arduino Data Send via Bluetooth Serial - Part 1
The intention is to connect an LCD display and Bluetooth module to an Arduino so that it can receive and display information using the LCD and inbuilt LED. I will then show you how to make a simple app to control these features...